Reptile 101: Everything to Know When Considering a Reptile as Your Next Pet
Author: Pet Station Date Posted: 4 March 2021

We all know that having a pet in your life can bring joy and relieve your stress. But when most people talk about a pet, dogs and cats are probably the first that spring to mind, however, reptiles also make great companions. If you are among those who prefer taking care of snakes, lizards, turtles, or other reptiles as their pet, below are some tips on how to best care for your scaly friend and keep them in good health. Here is our:
Reptile 101 - All You need to know on Reptiles
How to do Research on Reptiles?
Before you start your journey to becoming a reptile owner, you need to do some research first. Each type of reptile has their own needs, and you must familiarise yourself with these before considering a reptile as a pet. You also need to know all the unique aspects and conditions of owning your reptile to ensure they are safe and happy. If you think that you're not ready to put that much effort in, then having a reptile as a pet is not for you. So before rushing into a decision, make sure you know everything about the reptile and the reptile supplies you’ll need to care for the reptile of your choice. Here are some examples of what to consider before adopting a reptile.
How to Understand your Reptile's Nutritional Needs?
Most reptiles require fresh food. Some will require mealworms and mice, while others need a diet that is mainly fresh fruits and vegetables. Dubia roaches are also a great addition to a reptile's diet. They are easy to breed and care for, which is excellent for you as a reptile owner. These roaches also provide the right amount of protein and other needed nutrients for your reptile pet. There are also some commercially available reptile foods that can provide your pet's nutrition.
How to Handle your Pet Reptile with Confidence?
Whether you've been handling reptiles for years or you're just a new reptile owner, the key to having a successful relationship with your reptile is handling it with confidence. When you are comfortable with how you carry and hold your reptile, it allows it to be comfortable with you. If you are shy and nervous, it will reflect in your body language, and your pet will sense it. If you feel indifferent with a particular type of reptile, don't choose it as your pet. There are various types of reptiles from which you can choose from, so please don't think of owning one as a way of getting over your fear of reptiles.
What is Interaction with No Food?
There are two reasons why reptiles, particularly snakes, bite: a defensive strike or a feeding response. When picking up your pet, it is crucial to let it know that you will not feed it. You can do this by gently poking its nose with an inanimate object or by removing your pet from its cage with a home. These actions will break the hunt, letting your snake know that you are not a predator. Also be sure to handle your pet with care, don't grab it by the tail to take it out of its cage as this will cause undue stress on your pet and leaves their body unsupported, which will invoke fear, causing them to go into defence mode.
Why Clean your Hands before Handling your Reptile?
One essential thing you must know about reptiles is that they have amazingly-good sensory organs. This means that they can smell even the faintest scents. If your hand still has any scent of prey on it, your reptile may easily mistake your hand as a food source. So, it is crucial to wash your hands after handling the food you provide to your pet if you don't want to get bitten. Cleaning your hands before handling your reptile will also prevent introducing bacteria and other contaminants to their cage.
How to Handle your Reptile with Respect and Caution?
Treat your reptile as a loaded gun. This may seem odd, but it is really just a warning to always handle your pet with respect, care and caution. Does your pet have a past history of aggression? If yes, then whenever you handle them, be sure their head is pointed away from your body. You also need to introduce your reptile to yourself slowly and gently. Don't make any quick and jerky movements as it may interpret them as threatening.
How to Have the Right Kind of Reptile Housing?
Reptiles require a lot of space. Make sure that your reptile enclosure has enough room for movement. Make sure that it is escape-proof for your pet's and your family's safety. You also need to be mindful of the temperature of the terrarium. Reptiles are naturally ectothermic, which means that they regulate their body temperature through outside sources. Ensure that the terrarium provides the right temperature for your reptile. Another thing that you should look out for is the humidity. Too dry can cause serious health problems to your reptile, and too moist can harbour bacteria or fungi. Lastly, the right lighting is critical to your reptile's health. Ensure you’re providing the proper lighting needed to keep your reptile healthy.
How to Keep Yourself Educated on Reptiles?
Keeping yourself educated about your pet is the best thing you can do to take care of them. Reptiles of all kinds can potentially be dangerous and the best way to keep you and your family safe is to understand any dangers to best prevent them. If you are not confident enough to work with a reptile, please do not get one as a pet.
Here at Pet Station, we understand that you always want what is best for your animals, reptiles and pets. If you are looking for the best reptile food, vitamins, and supplements for your reptile in Australia, we've got you covered. Feel free to browse all our reptile food, healthcare, and supplies, and if you have any questions about our range of products, get in touch with our friendly and experienced team members who are happy to go above and beyond for you and your furry friends.